January 12, 2009

Diné Heritage

Keeping Our Culture
The Phoenix Indian Center has been the central hub for Diné (Navajo) Language instruction in the Phoenix metro area. A number of students and their parents joined the Navajo Singing class in August for the Fall 2008 class to learn traditional Diné songs from Jolyana Begay-Bitsuie, Navajo Language teacher and instructor, during the fall.

(left to right: Olivia Shorty, Monica Sekaquaptewa, Josiah Neswood, Zoey Hodges, Kahara Hodges, and Uriah Begay)

Our wonderful children at the Luke Air Force Base youth center during November. They demonstrated Diné song and dance to the youth center students. We are so proud of how fast they have learned Diné words and pronunciation since the class started.

Jolyana explained the meaning of the Navajo words and songs to the youth center students and led the Navajo class students in a round dance. The youth center students were very enthusiastic to be part of the song and dance.

Fall 2008 Navajo Singing Class Group

(left to right, back row: Laverna Wilson, Sharon Tom, Petra Reyes, Josiah Neswood, Kahara Hodges and, Judy Tapaha; left to right, front row: Monica Sekaquaptewa, Olivia Shorty, Zoey Hodges, Uriah Begay, and Jolyana Bitsuie. Not pictured: Sherry Neswood, Hoffman Shorty and Felicita Shorty.)

Freddie Johnson, Navajo Language Instructor/Storyteller/Cultural Consultant with the Phoenix Indian Center shared a coyote story and information about the Navajo Nation.

We thank both Freddie and Jolyana for doing such a great job with our community!

Some of the songs we have learned include: Kiizh, Dahdiniilghaazh (Fry Bread Song), Dahnaat’ai Biyiin (Navajo Flag Song), Dzilth Dadi Yinii (Four Sacred Mountains), Diné Bi Dahnaat’ai Sin (Navajo Nation Flag Song), Iina Baa Hozho.

Dahnaat’ai Biyiin (Navajo Navajo Flag Song)
This is a song commemorating the Navajo Nation Flag. It explains why the flag and the symbols on them are important to the Diné people. This is one of the many songs the Fall class learned. (Thanks to Judy Tapaha for providing the audio files.)

Navajo Flag Song - Navajo Lang Class

Dzilth Dadi Yinii (Four Sacred Mountains)
In this song Jolyana explains the mountains sacred to the Navajo people and the Diné people's unique relationship to the Four Sacred Mountains.

Dzil Dadi Yinii - Navajo Lang Class

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