April 6, 2011

Revised Song for Saturday

Here is the revised song for Saturday! Jolyana says to keep practicing!

  First Song-Revised by sharontom2010

March 30, 2011

New Practice Song!

Jolyana wanted me to upload the "First Song" by Jay Begaye to practice in time for the Turquoise and Silver Ball on April 9. Please let me know if you are having problems downloading this practice song. Enjoy!

First Song-Jay Begaye by Dine Class

April 8, 2010

Singing Class - April Schedule

Hi Everyone!

April's singing class will be this Saturday, April 10 at the Phoenix Indian Center
12:30 pm for the PIC performance practice and
1:00 to 2:00 pm for the regular singing class session.

This is a friendly reminder.

This is a good opportunity to brush up on the song, Dzilth Dadiyinii for this weekend.

Dzilth Dadi Yinii2 by Dine Class

April 2, 2010

No Weaving Class Tomorrow

Jolyana is cancelling her weaving class for tomorrow since she is back home this weekend. Freddie Johnson will be doing a Culture Class presentation on the month of April/spring season for the Intermediate Navajo class in the morning.

Take care everyone and have a great holiday weekend!

March 29, 2010

Dine Culture Class to Start March 31

A new culture class will be offered this coming Wednesday by Freddie Johnson. Welcome Back Freddie!
It's not too late to sign up!

Classes will be held every Wednesday
6:00pm – 7:00pm 

Phoenix Indian Center GED Classroom Suite 250 
4520 N. Central Ave. 
Phoenix AZ 85012

For more information contact: Freddie Johnson @602.264.6768; fax 602.274.7486 or fjohnson@phxindcenter.org

all ages! Everyone is welcomed!


Navajo Song Files Available Again Online

I recently uploaded all the new song files to the Soundcloud music service for all the class members to access the music we have practiced and learned the last year. Unfortunately, the music service I used in the past year was bought out by another company and all the web links featured in previous blog posts were not working. I apologize for this and hope that the new service will be even better. Class members will now be able to not only listen to the files as we upload them to the blog, but you should be able download the music to your hard drives for listening or using as you wish to practice the songs.

The songs have all been compiled into a special Dine Class playlist and includes a lot of the older and newer song selections we recorded in the last year. I also have relinked all previous song files in previous posts on this blog to the new service. The link is:

SoundCloud Dine Class Playlist

Again, I apologize for the delay in providing the music files and let me know if you have any issues accessing the music by leaving a comment in the blog or emailing me at shtom@cox.net.


March 25, 2010

Diné Professor Presents Long Walk and Diné Language Lecture

Phoenix Indian Center, ASU Center for Indian Education, and Central HS Native American Youth Council Present:

Dr. Evangeline Parsons-Yazzie Reading and Lecture

March 27, 2010
Saturday 10:00am –3:00pm
Central HS Auditorium
4525 N. Central Ave. Phoenix AZ 85012
(Parking on South side of Auditorium, right off of North-bound Central Ave
Free Admission

10:00am –12:00 pm: Diné Long Walk
Evangeline Parsons-Yazzie, EdD professor at Northern Arizona University will be reading from her notably acclaimed children’s book, Dzání Yázhí Naazbaa’: Little Woman Warrior Who Came Home: A Story of the Navajo Long Walk. An avid storyteller, she will be retelling the story of the Diné Long Walk through her book which is sure to be a fine historical lesson from the Diné perspective.

12:00pm: LUNCH on your own.
(Food concession provided by Central HS-NAYC)

1:00pm -3:00pm: A look at Diné Language
Dr. Parsons Yazzie will discuss her recent textbook, Diné Bizaad Bínáhoo’aah: Rediscovering the Navajo Language. She will take us on a journey about the creation of the textbook, the Diné writing process, and about the importance of the Diné language to enlighten learners who will hopefully appreciate the textbook even more.

For more information contact Freddie Johnson at the Phoenix Indian Center,
602.264.6768 or fjohnson@phxindcenter.org